Futures Studies
“The Futures Triangle: Origins and Iterations,” World Futures Review. Vol. 15 (2-4), 112-121.
“Investigating the Futures Triangle with ChatGPT,” World Futures Review. Vol. 15 (2-4), 213-218, 2023.
Co-Creating Educational Futures: Contradictions between the emerging future and the walled past. UNESCO, No. 27, May 2020: 1-15. Also in Arabic, French, and Spanish.
From Strategic to Transformative Foresight: Using Space to Transform Time. World Future Review (2020): 1-7 (with John Sweeney).
Anticipation to Emancipation: Toward a Stage Theory of the Uses of the Future. Monograph Tamkang University. 1. 2022.
“Using the Future in Different Waves,” in John Schroeter, ed., After Shock: The World’s Foremost Futurists Reflect on 50 Years of Future Shock and Look Ahead to the Next 50 (New York, John August Media, 2020), 543-542.
“Futures Through Stories,” Critical Muslim (January-March, 29, 2019), 55-69.
“Molitor: Pattern the Future You Wish to See,” World Futures Review, (Vol.10, No.1, 2018), 26-28.
“Foresight in Challenging Environments,” Journal of Futures Studies (Vol. 22, No. 4, June 2018), 15–24.
“Gaming, Ways of Knowing, and Futures,” Journal of Futures Studies (Vol. 22, No. 2, December 2017), 101–106.
“From Prediction to Transformation: Using the Future to Change the Story of Today,” ChildArt (Vol. 17, Issue 2, No. 50, April-June 2017), 8-9.
“Como Podemos Prepararnos Par el Futuro Y Crear Futuros Alternativos,” Claves Para Inrerpretar La Agenda Global: Nueva Epoca (2016-2017) CIDOB; Anuario Internacional. Barcelona.
“Metaphors in Futures Research,” (with Matti Minkkinen, Aleksandra Izgarjan, and Osmo Kuusi), Futures (Vol. 84, 2016), 109-114.
“Ensuring Culture Does Not Eat Strategy for Breakfast: What Works in Futures Studies,” World Futures Review (Vol. 7, No 4, February 2016), 351-361.
“Intuiting the Futures,” Journal of Futures Studies (Vol. 20, No. 1, September 2015), 115-118.
“Narrative Foresight,” Futures (Vol. 73, October 2015), 151-162 (with Ivana Milojević).
“Futures Studies: theories and methods,” in Fernando Gutierrez Junquera, ed., There’s a Future: Visions for a better world (Madrid, BBVA, 2013), 36-66.
“Masini: se requiere un pueblo par levantar el futuro,” In Antonio Alonso Concheiro and Javier Medina Vasquez, eds., Eleonora Masini: Alma de los estudios de los futuros,” Mexico, Javier Barros Sierra, 2013, 323-328 (Eleonora Masini: it takes a village to raise the future).
“Questioning scenarios,” Journal of Futures Studies (Vol. 13, No. 3, February 2009), 75–80.
“Six Pillars: futures thinking for transforming,” Foresight (Vol. 10, No 1, 2008), 4–28. In Farsi, translated by Alireza Hejazi. In Spanish by Mario Guilló and Enric Bas. In Mandarin, translated by Wu Ziying and revised by Meimei Song.
“Futures as Heterotopia,” Futures (Vol. 40, 2008), 893-926.
“The Study of the Future,” Chapter one in Sohail Inayatullah, Questioning the Future (Tamsui, Tamkang University, 2007, 6-20. Translated in Spanish by Eric Fugarolas.
“Anticipatory Action Learning: Theory and Practice,” Futures (Vol. 38, 2006), 656-666.
“From Organizational to Institutional Change,” On the Horizon (Vol. 13, No. 1, 2005), 46-53.
“Future Avoiders, Migrants and Natives,” Journal of Futures Studies (Vol. , 9, No. 2, December 2004), 83–87.
“Reductionism or Layered Complexity: The Futures of Futures Studies,” Futures (Vol. 34, Nos. 3–4, 2002), 295–302
“Tips and Pitfalls of the Futures Studies Trade,” Foresight (Vol. 2, No. 4, 2000), 369-374.
“Reorienting Futures Studies,” in Zia Sardar, ed., Rescuing All Our Futures: The Future of Futures Studies (Twickenham, Adamantine and Westport, Ct., Praeger Studies of the 21st Century, 1999), 49–60.
“Feminist Critiques and Visions of the Future,” Futures Research Quarterly (Vol 14, No. 1, 1998), 35-46 (with Ivana Milojević). Rewritten and translated into Finnish in Futura (March, 2010), 19–31.
“Teaching Futures Workshops: Leadership, Ways of Knowing, and Institutional Politics,” Futures Research Quarterly (Vol. 14, No. 4, 1998), 29-35.
“Reader in Futures Studies,” in Sohail Inayatullah and Paul Wildman, Futures Studies: Methods, Emerging issues and Civilizational Visions (Brisbane, Prosperity Press, 1998).
“Futures-oriented Research and Writing,” Futures (Vol. 30, No. 1, January, 1998), 1–2 (with Tony Stevenson).
“What Futurists Think: Stories, Methods and Visions of the Future,” Futures (Vol. 28, No. 6/7, 1996), 509-694.
“Life, the University and Emergence,” Futures (Vol. 26, No. 6, 1994), 683-696.
“From Who am I to When am I?: Framing the Time and Shape of the Future,” Futures (Vol. 25, No. 3, April 1993), 235–253
“Deconstructing and Reconstructing the Future: Predictive, Cultural and Critical Epistemologies,” Futures (Vol. 22, No. 2, 1990), 115–14.
“From Critical to Transformative Futures: My Journey in Futures Studies,” An earlier version of this appeared as “Civilizational Futures and Beyond,” Futures (Vol. 28, No. 6, August/September 1996), 590–593.
“Traditions, Tyranny, and Utopias: Essays in the Politics of Awareness.” Delhi, Oxford University Press, 1987. Reviewed in WFSF Bulletin, December 1989
Macrohistory and Futures
“Trump: Beginning or End,” Journal of Futures Studies” (Vol. 21, No. 3, March 2017), 67-76.
“Macrohistory and Timing as Practice,” World Futures Review (Vol. 9, No. 1, January 2017), 26-33.
“Humanity 3000: a Comparative Analysis of Methodological Approaches to Forecasting the Tong-term,” Foresight (Vol 14, No. 5, 2012), 401-417.
“Possibilities for the Future,” Development (Vol 43, No 4, 2000), 17-21.
“Science, Civilization and Global Ethics,” Journal of Futures Studies (Vol. 5, No. 2, November 2000), 157–170.
“Implications of Sacred Pleasure for Cultural Evolution,” World Futures: Journal of General Evolution (Vol. 53, 1999), 41–51.
“Macrohistory and Futures Studies,” Futures (Vol. 30, No. 5, June, 1998), 381–394.
“Oswald Spengler: The Rise and Fall of Cultures,” in Johan Galtung and Sohail Inayatullah, eds., Macrohistory and Macrohistorians (Wesport, Ct., Praeger, 1997), 98-104.
“Ibn Khaldun: The Strengthening and Weakening of Asabiya,” Periodica Islamica (Vol 6, No. 3, 1996), 3-11.
“Cycles of Power, ” Edges (Vol. 2, No.4, 1990).
“Chaos in Culture, Science and Politics: New Synthesis or Spencer Revisited,” in Mike Mannermaa, Sohail Inayatullah and Rick Slaughter, eds., Coherence and Chaos in Our Uncommon Futures (Turku, World Futures Studies Federation, 1993), 29-36.
Causal Layered Analysis
The Navigation System, The Planetary Gardener, and the Prism: Metaphors for Bringing the Future into Being, Journal of Awareness-Based System Change. (with Emma D. Paine and Otto Scharmer). Volume 2, No. 2, 2022: 183–201.
Embodied CLA: The Role of Polyvagal Theory in Futures Methodology – A Conversation with Sohail Inayatullah and Debra Em Wilson, Journal of Futures Studies. In Press, 2023.
“Causal Layered Analysis: A Four-level Approach to Alternative Futures”, Prospective and Strategic Foresight Toolbox, Futuribles International (April 2017). In French: “L’analyse causale multiniveau“.
“Testing Transformative Energy Scenarios through CLA Gaming,“Journal of Technological Forecasting and Social Change, (with Sirkka Heinonen and Matti Minkkinen) (forthcoming 2017)
“Policy Metaphors: From the Tuberculosis Crusade to the Obesity Apocalypse,” (with Rhyll Vallis), Futures, (Vol. 84, 2016), 133-144.
“Epistemological pluralism in Futures Studies – the CLA-Integral Debates,” Futures (Vol. , 42, No. 2, April, 2010), 99–102.
“Deconstructing and Reconstructing the Global Financial Crisis,” in Jorgen Johansen and John Jones, Experiments with Peace (Oxford and Cape Town, Pambazuka Press, 2010), 89–102.
“Foresight and Connecting the Dots: The Politics of Worldviews and Disowned Selves/Collectivities,” Future Islam (March 1, 2007).
“Causal Layered Analysis: an Integrative and Transformative Theory and Method,” in Sohail Inayatullah, ed., The Causal Layered Analysis Reader (Taipei, Tamkang University Publications, 2004).
“A Depth Approach to the Futures of the Self,” Futures (Vol. 31, 1999), 813-817
Emerging Issues and Trends
The Amazons of Food or Food for All: Emerging issues and Scenarios. Compass. June 2024, 20-26 (with Ivana Milojevic’ and Hafeez Zainal)
“Education in Disruptive Times, ”in Innovative Education in an Era of Change. Eds. Said Omar. The Gulf Arab States Educational Research Centre. Bahrain, 2023, 49-63. In Arabic.
Scenarios for Teaching and Training: From Being ‘Kodaked’ to Futures Literacy and Futures-Proofing. CSPS Strategy and Policy Journal. Volume 8, July 2020: 31-48
Can We Pivot to a New Renaissance? In Future, World Majlis: The Essays. Expo 2020 Dubai, 17-23.”Conspiring to destroy or create better futures,” UNESCO: Futures of Education. 3 July 2020.
From Idea to Reality: Universal Basic Income in Australia by 2030. Journal of Futures Studies. Vol 24, No. 3. 2020: 97-104 (with Zara Durnan).
Leadership Beyond the Great Pause: Climate Change and Other Wicked Problems. Journal of Futures Studies (In press, 2021). David Ross, Bob Leonard and Sohail Inayatullah
“The Youth Bulge,” Journal of Futures Studies (Vol. 21, No. 2, December 2016), 21-24.
“Power and the Futures of the Internet,” (with Ivana Milojević), In Jennifer Winter and Ryota Ono, eds., The Future Internet: Alternative Visions. Springer, 2015, 59-74.
“Seven Positive Trends Amidst the Doom and Gloom,” (6 January 2012). http://ieet.org/index.php/IEET/more/Inayatullah20120106
“City Futures in Transformation: Emerging Issues and Case Studies,” Futures (September Vol. 43, 2011), 654–661.
“Spirituality as the Fourth Bottom Line?” Futures (Vol. 27, 2005), 573–579.
“The Demographic Transition: Population and Underpopulation,” in Ajaya Kumar Sahoo, ed., The Sociology of Aging: A Reader. Delhi, Rawat Publications, 2008, 83–94.
“Which Futures for the Libraries?” Foresight (Vol. 9, No. 3, 2007), 54–57.
“Alternative Futures of a Challenged Democracy,” in Mika Mannermaa, ed., Futures of Democracy. Helsinki, Parliament of Finland, 2006, 113-127.
“Alternative Futures of War: Imagining the Impossible,” in Arthur Shostak, ed., Beyond 9/11 and the Iraq War: In the Shadow of War, Vol 4. , Philadelphia, Chelsea House, 2005, 155–165.
“Eliminating Future Shock: the changing world of work and organizations,” Foresight (Vol. 8, No. 5, September 2006), 3–14.
“Youth Dissent: Multiple Perspectives on Youth Futures”, in Jennifer Gidley and Sohail Inayatullah, eds., Youth Futures: Comparative Research and Transformative Visions (Westport, CT, Praeger, 2002).
“El Mon Com A Ciutat: La Ciutat Com A Futur Perspectives Entorn Dels Futurs Multiculutrals De La Ciutat,” (The Futures of the City) Debats Technologics (No. 14, October 2000), 22–32 (In Catalan).
“Consuming Fashions,” The Sydney Morning Herald, (September 23, 2000), 2.
“How to Rule the World,” The Sydney Morning Herald, (January 1, 2000), 47-49.
“Say You Want a Revolution, or Five: Governance in the Next Century,” Australian Financial Review. Special Report. Life in the Next Millennium (February 17, 1999), 12.
“Citizenship on the Edges of Humanity,” Suitcase: A Journal of Transcultural Traffic (Vol. 3, Nos. 1/2, 1998), 50–59.
“Rethinking Tourism: Unfamiliar Histories and Alternative Futures,” Tourism Management (Vol. 16, No. 6, 1995),411-415.
“Further and Closer Than Ever Before: A Social Science/Futures Studies View of the Contributions of Religion to Peace”, in Felix Marti, ed., The Contribution of Religion to the Culture of Peace (Barcelona, Centre Unesco de Catalunya, 1995), 95–105; translated into Catalan as “Mes Lluny I Mes A Prop Que Mai: Una Perspectiva De Ciencies Socials/Estudis Del Futur Sobre Les Contribucions De La Religio Respecte A La Pau,” Questions De Vida Cristiana (178, 1995), 34–55
“The Futures of Cultures: Present Images, Past Visions, and Future Hopes,” in Eleonora Masini, James Dator, and Sharon Rodgers, eds. The Futures of Development: Selections of the X World Conference of the World Futures Studies Federation (Paris, UNESCO, 1991).
“The Federal Constitutional Convention: Possibilities, Probabilities and Alternative Futures, Part 1 and Part 2,” Futurics (Vol. 7, No 4, 1983, 1–7 and Vol. 8, No. 1, 1984, 10–20).
Health Futures
Morbid Symptoms: Power and Medicine During Transitional Eras. World Futures: The Journal of New Paradigm Research. DOI: 10.1080/02604027.2022.2048600 (For a shorter version, titled, The Great Health Discontinuity, Gurukul, Issue 53, January 22, see: https://gurukul.edu/newsletter/issue-53/53-power-and-medicine-during-transitional-eras/)
“Neither Black Swan nor Zombie Apocalypse: the Futures of a World with the Covid-19 Coronavirus,” Journal of Futures Studies Blog (18 March 2020) (with Dr. Peter Black). It is already in the blog area)
“Health Care Foresight: Identifying megatrends” (with Deloitte and Luke van der Laan).
“Morbid Symptoms: Power and Medicine During Transitional Eras. World Futures: The Journal of New Paradigm Research. DOI: 10.1080/02604027.2022.2048600
“From Skilling for New Futures to Empowering Individuals and Communities,” (with Ivana Milojević), Journal of Futures Studies, (Vol. 22, No. 4, June 2018), 1–14.
“Creating the prevention prama society: Changing the health story from passive acceptance to active foresight ” Health Advocate, (2), pp.24-27, Australian Healthcare and Hospitals Association
“Alternative Futures of Occupational Therapy and Therapists,“Journal of Futures Studies (Vol 11, No. , 4, 2007), 41-58.
“Care to be a Doctor Tomorrow?” in Arthur Shostak, ed., America Moving Ahead, Vol. 2. Philadelphia, Chelsea House, 2005, 46–55.
“The Learning and Healing Organization,” Executive Excellence (Vol. , 19, No. 12, 2003–2004), 20.
“Ageing: Alternative Futures and Policy Choices,” Foresight (Vo. 5, No. 6, December 2003), 8–17.
University Futures
“Leadership and Governance in Higher Education: Can Malaysian Universities Meet the Challenge,” (with Ivana Milojević), Foresight (Vol 18, 2016), 434-440.
“University futures: Wikipedia University, Core-periphery reversed, Incremental Managerialism or Bliss for all,” On the Horizon, (Vol. 20, No. 1, 2012), 84–91.
“Transformative foresight: university sains Malaysia leads the way,” Futures (Vol. 44, 2012), 36–45 (with Ellisha Nasruddin and Reevany Bustami).
“Images and trends in tension: the alternative futures of the university,” in Maria Kelo, ed., The Future of the University: Translating Lisbon into Practice. Bonn, Lemmens, 2006, 85, 104.
“Challenging the Feudal Mind: Alternative Futures for the University,” On the Horizon (Vol. 9, No. 2, March/April 2001), 6–8.
“Trends Transforming Universities this Century,” On the Horizon (Vol. 8, No. 2, March-April, 2000), 1–6. Also at: http://www.camfordpublishing.com (with Jennifer Gidley).
“Forces Shaping University Futures: Introduction to the University in Transformation,” Sohail Inayatullah and Jennifer Gidley, eds., The University in Transformation (Wesport, Ct, Bergin and Garvey, 2000), 1-18. (with Jennifer Gidley)
“Maintaining the Rage Within the University Net,” Australian Financial Review (18 June 1999), 3-4.
Technology and Futures
“Smart Cars and Smart Insurance: Analyzing the Trends,” Foresight (Vol. 4, No. 1, 2002).
“Impact of New Information and Communication Technologies (ICTS) on Socio-Economic and Educational Development of Africa and the Asia-Pacific”, Journal of Futures Studies (Volume 4, No. 2, May 2000), 21–66.
“The cyber butterfly effect nets political change,” Australian Financial Review, Special Report, Internet and E-Commerce (March 9, 1999).
“The Rights of Your Robots: the Politics of Exclusion and Inclusion in History and Future”, in Edmund Ryden, ed., Human Rights and Values in East Asia (Taiwan, Fujen Catholic University, 1998), 143–162
“Gene Discourses: Law, Politics, Culture, Future,” Journal of Technological Forecasting and Social Change (Vol. 52, No. 2–3, June-July, 1996), 161–183, (with Jennifer Fitzgerald).
“The Rights of Robots: Technology, Law and Culture in the 21st Century,” in Futures (Vol 20, No. 2, 1988), 119–136; also published in World Peace Through Law Center: Law and Technology (Winter, 1987); and, as “The Rights of Robots,” in Whole Earth Review (No. 59, Summer 1988).
Global and Civilizational Studies
The Pawn that Roars, Selves and Amusement Parks or Localism and Soft Islam: the futures of Afghanistan. (with Tanner, Bjonnes, Ramos, and Ahmed)
“The Islamic World and COVID-19: Geo-Political Changes, Demographic Shifts, and the Possibility of a Renaissance,” Journal of Futures Studies (23 June 2020). (Khadija El Alaoui and Muamar Salameh).
“Alibaba and the Golden Key: Scenarios of Manufacturing futures in Egypt,” Journal of Futures Studies (3 November, 2020). (with Arun Jacobs and Reham Rizk). Alibaba and the Golden Key (in Arabic)
“Garment workers to Women Leaders and the Wise E-Buddha,” Journal of Futures Studies (12 May 2020).
“Alternative Scenarii for Asia,” World Affairs (Vol. 16, No. , 2, Summer, 2012), 37–51.
“Global transitions and Asia 2060,” Futures (Vol. 44, No. 3 March 2012).
“Islamic Civilization in Transition: Creating a Post-Western Civilization,” Journal Global and Strategis (Vol. 5, No. 2, 2011), 103-117.
“Alternative Futures of Muslims: challenges to linear and cyclical macrohistory,” Futures 37 (2005), 1195–1200.
“Dreaming on the Margins of the West and Non-West,” Futures, Vol 35, No. 5, June 2003, 493–507 (with Ivana Milojević).
“Global Transformations,” Development (Vol. 40, No. 2, 1997), 31–37. Based on 1995 Richard Jones Memorial Lecture, Hobart, Tasmania.
“Ways of Knowing, Civilization, Communication and the Pedagogies of the Future,” Futures (Vol. , 28, No. 8, October 1996), 723–740, (with Paul Wildman).
“Leadership, Evil and Future-Generations Orientation: Towards a Global Conversation of Cultures,” Journal of Asian and African Studies (Vol. 34, No. 2, 1999), 113-130.
“Frames of Reference, the Breakdown of the Self, and the Search for Reintegration,” in Eleonora Masini and Yogesh Atal, eds. The Futures of Asian Cultures (Bangkok, UNESCO, 1993). An abridged version,
“Disintegration and Reintegration: The Futures of Asian Cultures,” Eleonora Masini and Albert Sasson, The Futures of Cultures (Paris, UNESCO, 1994), 95-130.
“The Futures of the UN in Emerging World Orders,” Journal of Futures Studies (Vol. 1, No. 1, November 1996), 27–50
“United We Drink: Inquiries into the Future of the World Economy and Society,” and in Catalan as “Bevem Units: estudis sobre el futur mundial de l’economia i las societat,” Prospectiva (April 1995, No. 3), 4-31.
“Understanding the Postmodern World: Why Khomeni Wants Rushdie Dead,” Third Text (Summer 1990), 91–98.
Pakistan Studies
“COVID-19 and the Futures of Pakistan.” JFS May 2020 (with Chaudhary, Razi and Sheraz).
“Defeating the Taliban: one joke at a time,” Pragati: the Indian National Interest Review (No. 28, July 2009), 24–25. Also in Journal of Futures Studies (November 2009).
“Beyond the pendulum of the general and the landlord-politician: Understanding and creating alternative futures for Pakistan,” Journal of Futures Studies (Vol. 12, No. 4, May 2008, 69–76).
“Subverting the Hegemony of International Relations in Pakistan,” Contemporary South Asia (March, Vol. 7, No. 1, 1998, 27–42).
“Mullahs, Sex, and Bureaucrats: Pakistan’s Confrontations the Modern World,” in Deepika Petraglia-Bahri and Mary Vasudeva, eds., Between the Lines: South Asians In/On Postcoloniality (Philadelphia, Temple University Press, 1996).
“Images of Pakistan’s Future,” Futures (Vol. 24, No. 9, 1992, 867–878).
“Pakistan and Cricket,” The Muslim (April 23, 1992).
Sarkar and PROUT Studies
“Futures After Capitalism: A Dialogue between Sohail Inayatullah and Thor Thorgeirsson – Part 1” Prout Journal (March 2010), 8-10.
“Futures After Capitalism: A Dialogue between Sohail Inayatullah and Thor Thorgeirsson – Part 2” Prout Journal (March 2010), 31-35.
“Sarkar’s Contribution to Macrohistory and Futures Imaginations: A Response to Taub,” Prout Journal,” (June 2009), 37-29.
“The Politics of Understanding PROUT: epistemological approaches to social analysis.” Based on Sohail Inayatullah, Situating Sarkar (Maleny, Gurukul, 1999).
“Governance, Representation and Types of Power: From Montesquieu to P.R. Sarkar,” in Sohail Inayatullah, Situating Sarkar (Maleny, Gurukul, 1999), 59-76.
“Comparing Ibn Khaldun and P.R. Sarkar: Macrohistory and the Transcendent,” in Sohail Inayatullah, Situating Sarkar (Maleny, Gurukul, 1999), 45-58.
“Locating Sarkar in Indian Political Philosophy,” in Sohail Inayatullah, Situating Sarkar (Maleny, Gurukul, 1999), 77-82.
“Karma Samnyasa: Sarkar’s reconceptualization of Indian ascetism”, in K. Ishwaran, ed., Ascetic culture: renunciation and worldly engagement (Leiden, Brill, 1999, Vol. 73, International Studies in Sociology and Social Anthropology) (with Shaman Hatley), 139–152.
“Transcending the Knowledge Base of Humanity: An Introduction to Sarkar’s Contributions to Humanity” in Sohail Inayatullah and Jennifer Fitzgerald, eds. Transcending Boundaries (Maleny, Gurukul, 1999), 1-16.
“Earth in Heaven: Linear, Cyclical and Transcendental Theory of History,” Sohail Inayatullah and Jennifer Fitzgerald, eds. Transcending Boundaries (Maleny, Gurukul, 1999), 19-24.
“Rethinking Science: P. R. Sarkar’s Reconstruction of Science and Society,” International Foundation for Development Alternatives Dossier (No. 81, April/June 1991), 5–16; reprinted in New Renaissance (Vol. 3, No. 2, 1992). And in Spanish: https://journals.openedition.org/polis/7754?lang=en
“Sarkar’s Spiritual Dialectics: An Unconventional View of the Future,” Futures (Vol. 20, No, 1, 1988), 54–66.
Judiciary Futures
“Popular Culture and Punishment,” Scenario, Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies (Vol. 2, 2012), 56-58.
“Scanning for Correctional Futures,” Melbourne, State of Victoria, Office of the Correctional Services Commissioner, 2002.
“Scanning for Justice“, Melbourne, State of Victoria, Department of Justice, 2001.
“Linking the Present with the Future: The Politics of Futures Research in Judicial Bureaucracies,” Futures Research Quarterly (Spring 1994), 19–30.
“Judicial Foresight in the Hawai‘i Judiciary,” Futures (October 1991), 871-878.
“A Decade of Forecasting: Some Perspectives on Futures Research in the Hawaii Judiciary,” Futures Research Quarterly (Vol. 5, No. 1, 1989), 5-20.
“Law School to World Court: Judicial and Legal Dimensions of the Pacific Shift,” Hawai‘i Bar Journal (Vol 20, No. 1, 1986).
“The Politics of the Dusty Plan,” Futures Research Quarterly (Vol. 20, No. 4, 1986).
“The Future of State Court Administration,” Futures Research Quarterly (Vol. 2, No. 1, 1986), 5–18.
“Futures Research in the Hawaii Judiciary: An Overview,” World Future Society Bulletin (November/December 1983, 1-6).