Futures: an initial taxonomy of Terrestrial and Non Terrestrial
Forms of Life
Yesterday ---
Yesterday ---- Evolution ended.
Today -----
Today --- Humanity as we know us is ending---
--- our life futures awaits ---
the Stage
many boundaries are blurring. Boundaries
between life and death, birth and life, virtual and real, truth and
falsity, surface and authentic, even between natural and ‘non’
natural. The real, the
natural is being redefined as you read this article.
Redefined by the web, CNN, and eugenics* of the ‘plus’
kind, such as biotechnologies such as cloning and of the ‘minus’
kind through Nazism and ‘ethnic cleansing’.
- eugenic cleansing or genetic nirvana?
modern eugenics with, human genome projects, human/animal/vegetable
hybrids, cloning and so forth is putting a positive spin to some
aspects of what the
world went to war about a mere two generations ago to stop Hitler
doing. Indeed some
authors argue that our children are living in the last generation to
give birth naturally. Even
more concerning that they are the last mortal generation before
artificial life moves the game beyond us forever. This redefinition
of the natural - perhaps the extinction of the natural - is an
emerging condition of postmodernity.
- where lies the natural?
our world is dominated by narrow scientific rationality and operates
by applying this through predatory capitalism.
Today’s world with the weakening of the Nation State and
the rise of the next stage corporate nations or ‘corpornations’,
including media, oil and drug conglomerates, that patent life.
The essential capitalist ethos of individual autonomy,
private ownership, personal enterprise and freedom of choice is
ensuring the bio-technological revolution plays out according to
market forces.
– how will the balance of private/public/corporate rights be
played out?
as these two forces of capitalism, science are combined we begin to
see the blurring boundaries between natural and non-natural,
biotechnologies and predatory capitalism all herald the new
millennium with the death of the natural.
Truth, once considered objective and even eternal, now is
blurred fleeting and local.
where lies truth?
short –
evolution ended
we end
our life futures await.
we make our children’s tomorrow.
initial taxonomy of Emergent Forms of Life (FOL)
the first three decades of the new millennium all of the following
artificial terrestrial life forms will emerge and seek to interact
with our children. Today
we tend to think in terms of two life forms animal and vegetable.
Vegetable and animal life has open to ’open slather’
genetic manipulation and since ‘dolly and co(w)’ animals for
over a decade. Though
not us - not yet
that is! By 2030, while
our children will still be alive, most of these forms of life will
exist and be incorporating Artificial Intelligence (AI) and nano
technology (NT) and be integrating with ‘natural humans’.
note: the concept ‘borg’ is used in its historical and generic
sense to identify a ‘bionic’
ie. human made organism
as Forms Of Life (FOL).
forms include:
existing animal, vegetable life forms subject to biological
Cyborgs - human/machine
composite FOL -
6million $man/woman, Frankenstein.
Cyborgs can be seen as a
bionic human being comprising a human body or other organism whose
function are taken over in part by various electronic or
electromechanical devices.
One SiFi version of the Cyborg has a stationary human brain
with several autonomous servo-machines (technoborgs) who fill the
brains limited physical needs and act on its commands.
GEborgs - genetically engineered FOL eg. through modifying
orgoborgs and cyborgs by genetic engineering such as cloning eg. see
Humborgs. This may be
seen as an interim life form only, which will ‘technovolve’ into
the Technoborg.
Orgoborgs - organic FOL
- animal, vegetable, cellular lifeforms eg. bacteria etc. on planet
earth inc.
Humborgs (organic conscious FOL commonly called humans). These
FOL’s can be cloned see GEborgs.
Ultimately humborgs will be implanted with bioborgs. As these
chips combined with nano technology ‘nanobots’ are used to
operate mechanical arms, or negate brain or nerve damage the issue
of human-robots integration ie. cyborgs, will arise.
- The development of living biochips will further blur the
definition of a living machine. By synthesising living bacteria,
scientists have found a way to program the bacteria's genetic
development to mimic the on and off switching of electronic
circuitry. Many scientists presently feel silicon miniaturisation
has reached its limit because of the internal heat that they
generate. The biochip is then expected to greatly expand the
capabilities of computerisation by reaching the ultimate in
miniaturisation. Biochips, when combined with nanao technology
also have the unique ability to correct design flaws. Moreover,
James McAlear, of Gentronix Labs notes, because proteins have the
ability to assemble themselves the (organic) computer could also
assemble itself.
. Symborgs
- symbolical and symbological FOL - three types:
1 Conscious/external
- culture, computer virus, corporations, NGO’s and the World Wide
Web. The web offers the possibility of global symbolical
2 Unconscious/internal
-Mythic/unconscious ie. archetypes ie FOL that are symbolically yet
not empirically real
3 Bridges - between
consciousness and unconsciousness eg. the Australian Cape York
Rainbow Serpent Dreamtime stories/myths.
Here the seven prerequisite conditions of life, outlined
below, are symbolically rather than literally met.
In the case of the Rainbow Serpent story, however, the
influence on the physical aspects of the three aspects of tribe’s
life is very 'real'.
. Technoborgs –
technological FOL. Technoborgs
as shown in movies such as ‘Batteries Not Included’.
silicon based FOL ie AI incorporating self-repairing computer
programs, Rights of Robots, HAL in 2001.
Silicone is probably nearing its design limitation as to its
ability to dissipate heat and is about to be replaced by organic
computers using biotech nano engineering (see bio-borgs).
2050 Technoborgs will become fused
with Cyborgs, GEborgs and Bioborgs. Humborgs
ie. humans, as we know us, will become indistinguishable from these
our forecestors. We
have already started to be replaced by these emergent evolutionary
‘technoluting’ entities**.
is this fused bioborg
life form that will be patented by corporations and in
‘developed’ areas of the globe will begin to populate the life
ecology of the planet by the mid 2,100’s.
Non Terrestrial
relatively discrete from our humanoid terrestrial world:
. ETorgs
- FOL from other planets eg. ET, predator, alien (usually hostile to
humans, in many ways they represent our own fear of future). 1,2
Indeed the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence is
already producing a plethora of school curriculum and workhsops.
. Macrorgs
(macrocosmic FOL) eg. the Gaia hypothesis, which sees the world,
indeed the universe as a living organism/entity demonstrating the
requisite aspects of ‘life’, outlined below cp. MVborgs
MVorgs - Micro Vita -
microscopic FOL that blend or interlace mind and matter also called
orgones, diatoms etc. cp. Macroborgs.
. Psyorgs -
psychic FOL, entities originating in the non-material realm eg
angels, Dracula etc.
these FOL the seven prerequisite conditions of life, outlined
bellow, are symbolically rather than literally met.
At present human technology, via. SETI, is impacting the
first category of these Non Terrestrial Forms of Life with
cumulative impact on category 2 eg. Macroborg – the planet via.
pollution, greenhouse effects and reduction in genetic diversity of
food stocks. Further
through bio-chemical and psychic research is impacting the third and
fourth. So in these
regards homo postindustrialias is now impacting all known forms of
life on or in or around this third rock from the sun.
the contours of a definition of Life
can we compare these FOL? What do they have in common and how can
they be defined as life at all?
Concept of life
can conceptually be approached from two perspectives a) definitional
perspective and b) a non-definitional or non-categorical
perspective. The former
is more empirical or exoteric and Western and the latter esoteric.
The latter may be seen for instance in the concept of TAO ie.
to transcend the distinction between life and non-life.
Towards a definition of Life
may be defined negatively as what it isn’t ie.
condition which distinguishes animals and plants from inorganic
objects and dead organisms.
Life may be defined positively as
which manifest the following distinguishing manifestations of life
(1) Growth through metabolism
(energy conversion),
(2) Reproduction,
(3) The power of adaptation
to environment through changes originating internally.
precise definition of life is difficult, however, in a rough sense,
an organism may be considered alive if these three are active. The
only exceptions to the above description of life are viruses
(biological and computer). They are only partly living organisms in
that they possess the replicating nucleic acids/source codes but
lack the ability to metabolise energy. 3
In order to obtain enough energy to reproduce, viruses act as
parasites in host systems.
definitions of life also include .4
locomotion, .5 intelligence and .6 individuality
however I see these fitting into metabolism, adaptation and
reproduction respectively.
Still others extend this to include .7 intelligence (which
can be seen as adaptation)
and .8 natural/organic structure (seen as metabolism). 4 a,
standard definition of life ie. that of metabolism, reproduction and
growth works for individual organisms however it does not answer the
line --
rose plucked from the bush is still rose,
a person [or life form] plucked from the Universe
a mere absurdity
is the standard definition does not tell us that a solitary living
thing cannot exist without its supportive ecosystem.
be meaningful life has to be thought of as embedded in the larger
system of the biosphere – the web of life concept. The evolution
of different species of life is coupled together in what may be
called a ‘nested hierarchy’.
This web or ‘fitness landscape’ underpins individual
organisms and supports life eg, the pattern that connects.
In this sense organisms or life may be seen as ‘complex
adaptive systems’ that ride the waves of energy and cycles of
materials just as a surfer rides the flow of energy in waves.
These waves indicate systems that are dynamic ie. not in
equilibrium. The moon
or mars are in equilibrium. They
are dead - they have high entropy.
instance if our heart beats completely regularly or completely
incoherently – we die. Complete
stasis as in complete equilibrium or complete incoherence leads to
death. In between is
what has been called spectral reserve.
This is where we can live.
Like the intertidal mud flats of life.
Further each organisms development is guided by a master
program code eg. DNA/RNA in cells and the organism can reproduce
this code.
summary organisms may be seen as complex neg-entropic adaptive self-organising
systems that ride energy waves in thermodynamic systems that are far
from equilibrium and consequently have substantial spectral reserve.
we may add the following four components to our definition of life.
That is of (4) self-organising
non-equilibrium system or
organism with significant spectral reserve, which is
governed by an (5) internal
master program,
and the organism can
(6) reproduce
the code in the context of being (7)
part of a web of life.
the basis of this extended ‘definition’, interpreted literally
and symbolically all of the above Terrestrial Forms Of Life are
‘alive’, while the extra-terrestrial forms satisfy most of the
criteria – but lets wait ‘til we see one.
selecting a methodology to underpin the research for this somewhat
unusual futures subject I sought a combination of approaches that
would incorporate horizontal and vertical dimensions of the subject.
Called Deep Futures such a chosen approach would also need to
allow identification and incorporation of the broader Futures
Research theme involved in the topic while bringing future
generations of Forms of Life into the discourse in ways that start
to include their voices (sic) in present discourses.
Futures seeks to explore vertical and horizontal aspects of the
critical issue or theme at hand.
In this instance Forms of Life horizontal considerations
would include population impact of rapidly increased human numbers,
application of genetic engineering to providing a ‘safe’ food
source and disease elimination and medical enhancement for us and so
forth. The vertical
slice however starts to consider these entities as separate FOL not
only as horizontal extensions of our human consumption patterns.
In this sense Deep Futures provokes reconceptualisation of
the critical issues such raised in this article ie. ‘What is
life’? And how is
technology changing our relationship to it and thereby ourselves’?
5, 6
above taxonomy then has been developed using a Deep Futures approach
by applying a methodology derived from Critical Futures Studies
called themeing.7 In this instance the theme is
‘reviewing of person to person and person to nature
relationships’. Themeing
for Slaughter is critical in developing a social foresight capacity.
In this sense critical futures studies viz. theming can
provide a ‘critical purchase’ on our historical trajectory in a
way that opens-out social foresight possibilities for present day
understanding, empowerment, intervention and action.
This article argues that future generations of life on planet
earth will include forecestor forms vastly different to the existing
categories of animal, vegetable (and mineral).
And to include their voice, this article maintains, we need
to envision a world of 2050 in a way that can start to bring their
voices as our forecestors into present futures discourse.
some implications of these Forms of Life
Spot the difference
modern society has great difficulty in assimilating difference and
imperfection. This we
externalize. We
treat as ‘other’ to us. Here consumption patterns even life
forms have to be regulated/protected/engineered to remove ‘non
compliance’. That is
they have to be homogeneous. This
enables us to continue to consume the products of capitalism whether
they be coke, chook or cloned DreamTec Arnie.
present as Western law is part of the discourse of bureaucracy it is
about regulation and control i.e. about protecting power structures.
It has little to do with ethics or justice i.e. moral good.
These two factors, bureaucratised law and minimisation of
difference, become the ‘soft’ even ‘silent’ face of modern
eugenics* today. 8,9
instance consider the Clones-R-Us Corporation. Yes it’s a real web
site. It didn't take long for a C-R-Us to spring up.
DreamTeach Corporation offers DNA licensed from celebrities
in labs around the world where no anti-human cloning laws have been
established -- e.g. Costa Rica, Liberia and Vanuatu.
Check out the prices and availability at:
Here genetic engineering based on the human genome project
becomes a form of social control, a mechanism for avoiding
the appearance of difference. 10
other’ i.e. the marginal/periphery is not only a geographical
place or a postmodern terrain it is also a power site.
In our society which is obsessed with homogeneity and sees
‘the other’ as different and therefore ‘bad’.
So that ‘disabled/different and proud of it’ becomes more
than a bumper sticker it becomes a form of civil disobedience.
am advocating bio-anarchy where we argue that as individuals we
retain power over our own bodies and do not surrender this to the
medical/techno discourse of the State.
A rationalist synthesis almost forces the imperative on us of
struggling to prevent the genetic health of our bodies passing over
to the Corporate State to patent or regulate
. Disappearing peoples
disturbing aspect of science and technology is that it is
essentially Western. Authors
such as Zardar argue that this essentially ‘disappears’
non-western technologies and the peoples who developed them. 11
‘humane’ outcome of the human
genome project, I recently saw that on an email list serve I
subscribe to, was the realisation during our email exchanges that
there is no ‘one’ human genome rather ‘human genomes’.
This was triggered by acknowledgement of the scientists
recording the human genome who were compelled by this realisation to
seek to identify the genetic make up of these ‘other’,
‘different’, ‘disappearing’ peoples of the world.
The list provided covered about 50 groups of genetically
distinct humans and included small tribes in Australia, Borneo and
the Amazon. Some had
populations of less than 100 most less that 5000.
Importantly some of these ‘tribes’ had genetic
susceptibility and immunity to certain diseases.
Clearly worth documenting before it is all too late.
Indeed every two weeks a language disappears from planet
I read this email realisation of the devastatingly predatory nature
of our Western culture hit me in my gut was we are extincting our
own genetic diversity and their associated cultures – extinct
species (thousands per year), extinct tongues/languages (twenty-five
or so every year), extinct peoples (several each year).
Your friendly stock market catalyst
economic entity even life form of tomorrow may well be the compucorpornation
ie. an IT based corporation or NGO that is of an international
scale. This means
trans-national corporations run increasingly by computer assisted
life forms eg. designer siliborgs increasingly ‘assisted’, no
longer controlled, by
humborgs. In a sense
this is already happening in Stock Market Firms – witness the 1987
stock market crash where computers (emergent siliborgs) kept selling
as the price of stocks fell. The
siliborgs acted as catalysts quicker than we, as humborgs, could
respond. Today over 10%
of decisions on investments in managed funds, derivatives and stocks
are made by neural net Artificial Intelligence networked computers.
Many of these investments are out-performing conventional
‘natural intelligence’ brokers.
Soon human judgment will be too risky in fund management.
1987 – just such a long time ago. 12
. Y2K the first Kick
the huge paranoia about Y2K,
yet see it as an example of a deeper yet unrecognised angst from
our slowly dawning realisation that humanity is now dependent on
other forms of life. The
‘siliborgs are taking over’.
These Forms Of Life we birth then change us in to
co-dependency and beyond. Here
we saw the enormous energy that was invested in correcting siliborg
systems not yet design capable of technovolving without external
human input. We also see the potential for enormous human
dislocation that something as simple as the lack of two digits in a
master program code can cause.
suggest Y2K should be seen not as an actual concern for collapse of
computer systems that cant tell the time rather Y2K should be seen
as the first signs of late pregnancy pains of a new life form to be
birthed early next century. This is a foretaste of future
anxieties as our survival depends more and more on other non-human
FOL. Y2K then is
indicative of a transition trauma as we as humans begin to face our
fate - we are no longer in charge – they are – the siliborgs –
and their kicking their way out.
Blue Hawaiian Potato
present consumer outburst against genetically modified food reminds
me of a story a friend told me happened when he was mess officer in
the Royal Australian Air Force some years ago.
In order to ‘initiate’ new recruits they were regularly
given challenging tasks. In
this instance the new recruit was given a large pot of potatoes to
mash and unbeknown to him some natural blue food dye had been placed
in the bottom of the pot. After
mashing for a while the blue dye started to come through the mix and
caused the new recruit some alarm as he had never seen any food like
this, however he followed orders and finished the job.
It was billed in the mess as ‘blue Hawaiian potato’ –
it was a sell out.
over half the American crops of soya bean, cotton and maize are
grown from GE seed stock. Increased
yields, more climate tolerant plant stock and fewer applications of
pesticides are some of the espoused benefits of these GEborg life
forms. Total world
production of GEborg life forms has gone from practically 0 in 1995
to over $2bUS today
The first Robot kill
legal system today is unprepared for, and in many ways unpreparable
for, addressing robotic
crimes and crimes perpetrated by other FOL such as Y2K or another
Wall St crash. Some fifteen years ago now, the Morbidity and
Mortality Weekly Report cited the first death caused by a robot ie.
the first recorded Exoskeletalborg
caused humborg fatality, some 80 years after the first motor
vehicle death. This accident occurred in 1985 when a machinist at a
Michigan company entered a robots work envelope. Apparently not
programmed to take human frailty into account the robot used its arm
to pin the man to a safety pole killing him with the force. Death by
Robot Science Digest (Aug, 1985) pg 67.
these exoskeletalborgs emerge as life forms who or what is guilty of
the death or was it murder? The robot designer, the corporation
using the life form, the Government for failing to legislate safety
laws, the worker, the robot? What
then are the rights of these robots? 14, 15
Today such issues are being raised increasingly
in ways that stretch the coping ability of our existing ways
of thinking.
there are robot controlled pilotless planes.
By 2020 the pilot will be out of the cockpit even out of the
loop, witness the advent of the cruise missiles.
Psychologically though pilots will remain, in name, only, for
some time. Presently
Australia is buying pilotless planes for surveillance of our
northern coastline. Clearly
missiles can be readily added to such a pilotless, intelligent
‘robot’ entity.
. Broadacre human
I am advocating in this article is that the bioborg FOL offers the
most accelerated path to ‘broad acre’ human enhancement.
If human consciousness and culture
are functions of the nervous system, then these FOL are to
varying degrees conscious.
Such a path I see through artificial humans (AH’s) and the most
accelerated path for AH’s is cloning ie. bioborgs.
Once this is blended with genetic engineering and nano
technology ‘superior features’, such as beauty, strength or
intelligence and removal of design defects will mean humans as we
know us will cease to exist. We
cease to be limited by our genetic inheritance.
Check out
one doesn’t need artificial wombs, reproducing robots or tricky
machine-nerve interfaces to replace us ‘natural humans’ just
simple cloning. One
only needs what is already in existence – self-reproducing
genetically enhanced upgraded clones.
Nor do we need billions of AH’s marshalling against the
embattled remanets of ‘real’ humanity.
All we need is to insinuate AH’s at key multiple locations
into the global human breeding chain and ‘bio bingo’ we have
accelerated technolution becoming biolution.
Just as a tiny amount of yeast can make a whole loaf of bread
rise so AH’s will be to the human race.
have all seen the human ear growing on a mouse’s back and fly’s
eyes growing on the fly’s’ abdomens.
Not only can cloned animal parts provide test beds for new
drugs and medical treatments they can also become disposable human
organ growers – no more third world human organ piracy needed
. Who or What wants a Republic?
our system of Government be conducted with these emergent Forms of
Life? Will we be able
to develop a hybrid culture? For
instance cyborgian culture will probably not need language.
Who needs a face to face bla bla when an interstellar
download in cyberspace will do?
Will they be able to vote?
Would they even care about wether there is an Australian
Republic? Would
they prefer a Cybernation with us the humborgs sent to cyberia.
Probably!! What
rights will they, and ultimately let us, have?
Will we become their Disneyesque theme park for humborgs ie.
for us? They are already among us yet we ignore them except when
they threaten to cut off our TV or change our food. To all intents
and purposes such governance does not yet exist, nor is it mooted,
in Western Nations.
challenges are so profound that to understand and respond to them we
need to reinvoke the renaissance concepts of rationality.
And extend the concept to what maybe called a new logic
matrix or wisdom. 15
A re-invocation that is, in my opinion, long overdue.
For instance Wilber imbues rationality with intent as well as
extent. Rationality in
this broader sense can now include empiricism, reason, intent,
pluralism, imagination, passion and a conviction towards
emancipation. 16 In the west today through the impact of
the Universities empiricism has all but usurped any broader meanings
of rationality. As such
we can even speak of the ‘scientific dark age’ where
instrumental rationality, devoid of the majority of renaissance
rationality, re-makes the world in its own image.
tragedy that is rationality today is it has shrunk, largely under
the tutelage of the academy, to evidence and logic.
We enter the new dark ages.
systems of thinking (epistemology’s) that are from what Slaughter
calls ‘the flatland of industrialism’ or their philosophical
nemesis postmodernism seem unable to provide the depth and wisdom
needed to understand cloning. Yet
another lone clone wandering the plain, looking for meaning. They
are part of the ‘fatigue of the West’.
Today we need an inner discernment embedded in discriminative
human judgment. Something
that law, science and politics remain unable to provide. We need to
get to the ‘heart, as well as the head, of the matter’.
Renaissance rationality, a logic matrix for the new millennium,
replaces humanity as centre of the universe and allows for other
ways of knowing and being.
crucial part of any such Renaissance Rationality includes other
forms of intelligence such as emotional and artistic.
Such artistic knowing can help us ‘paint’ a different
tomorrow. Such
inspiring work often is illustrative of the artists’ dreams.
Truly great art has the knack of portraying those dreams
latent in all of us. This
is our deepest knowing.
can shape contemporary visions of the prophetic, of the
possibilities to allow a different tomorrow, even if only for a
moment. 19 Such
future art can create a sense of a world beside, beyond yet within,
like putting on 3D glasses at the movies whole other worlds within
this world emerge. In
short a multidimensional holographic universe. In truly great art
these emergent worlds represent the periphery the other and the
art-piece is the wormhole connecting the two realities.
Through such Art encounters we can enter into meaningful and
non-imitative discourses about our children’s futures.
In this way the future can be transformed from one
reinscribing today’s status quo to one of symbolic struggles in
both the reality of the ‘future transformed into a different
today’ sense and the utopian ‘light on the hill, it can be
different’ sense.
speaks directly to our deepest way of knowing – it lets us see a
different story. At its
deepest level art is not about things it is about people it is about
relationship. So much
of our hypermodern technology their Formings of Life are about
things not about people let alone relationship – How
then should we live? Our
day to day techno satiated Western lives use language in its precise
prescriptive sense yet we fail to look deeper and see the story
image of on going growth and prosperity embedded in these day to day
exchanges. Such
an image can be seen as the arrow on its upward arc or counterpoint
bucolic pictures of the near industrial techno future with floating
cars and happy people minute beside huge skyscrapers (and not need
for a tree in sight).
Science-Artist Robert Pope specialises in painting future life
systems that open up our future; that are counterpoints to the
ubiquitous techno futures. 19, 20, 4
He represents these life forms organically and
technologically by using fractal geometry and chaos theory to
illustrate such alternative holographic multiverses, so important
for our survival as a life form. 21, 22. This compels us
to face the urgent need for alternative futures for human survival. 23
For example three of his great works (in my opinion) demonstrate
aspects of this logic matrix and
illustrate several of the above Forms Of Life (FOL) identified in
this article 24. They
Datum Markers (using the
globe - Macrorg to
harness black holes for neg-entropic energy creation through diatoms
- MVorgs)
Aesthentison Drive (a majestic craft powered by neg-entropic
implosive yin motor fueled by beauty and inspired by the Australian
Landscape in the Tamworth area) – Technoborg
Biosphere Energy Flow
(living organic carbon based technologies) - Orgoborg
three paintings portray important aspects of this neg-entropic
rational logic matrix for a new renaissance rationality that can
positively embrace other Forms Of Life.
note: these pictures are can be viewed on my web site at
my view Pope’s work illustrates a Renaissance
Rationality that embraces Wilber’s Vision Logic 17
work which in turn reinvokes the broader Rationality of the first
Renaissance and extends it to vision logic that can incorporate
other forms of life. Such
vision logic includes:
Intent and extent
Logic (yang) viz. analytics*
hermeneutics and critics,
Intuition (yin),
Relational i.e. it is connected to other FOL,
Embodies multiple perspectives,
Passion and Conviction,
Symbolism (math and myth) i.e. science
and art.
Moral i.e. it can embrace the good
Indicates the extent of rationality as instrumental rationality in
late capitalism circa 1999.
article has sought to outline a taxonomy of life in the emerging
futures field of Forms of Life. The power of science today is
producing a range of life forms that defy our existing conceptual
ability. Presently it
seems to many of us that democracies have lost the ability, if they
ever had it, to address these deeper issues. The argument has been
advanced that such concerns have to be located with in the
conflagration that is big business, big science, our own big
consumption in the context of our Western desire to minimise
conflagration generates a form of soft eugenics that threatens to
make our children’s futures what is Kosovo today.
on the other hand can offer humanity the opportunity to transcend
the natural – not just manipulate it and in turn be manipulated by
it. To achieve this in
the next 30 years we need to develop and harness a new logic matrix,
a new form of extended rationality that combines the horizontal view
of the present science with one that also includes a vertical view
or ethical/moral perspective.
short we need the vision logic of renaissance rationality.
is only with a renaissance rationality that we will be able to
understand the ethics of eugenics and develop the wisdom to harness
the potentials of the Emerging Forms of Life on planet earth and
Historically, the eugenics
movement had two general aspects: positive eugenics, concentrating
on the means to increase the breeding potential of especially
"fit" individuals, and negative eugenics, emphasising the
restriction on breeding for particularly "unfit" types.
the positive side there is active and passive.
In the active we actively research e.g. through genetic
manipulation to improve the human race.
Note ‘improve’ needs to be broadly conceptualised.
The passive approach to positive eugenics is the one we have
taken for millennia in that through mate selection, educational
processes and so forth characteristics such as intelligence, beauty,
height and strength and parent hood readiness have been used
generally unconsciously as selection criteria for our partners.
article is advocating active positive eugenics called ‘soft
eugenics’ in the paper.
negative form is seen in the recent ethnic cleansing of Europe and
Asia and the Hitlerian concepts of the pure master race.
This article does not
advocate this approach.
the article suggests we surface the reality that we all do eugenics
passively, what I call ‘soft eugenics’ every day in every way.
We just need to take this to the active level
So ‘natural’ evolution
is wasteful and s
l o w. Wasteful
eg. the human genome project shows that most of our DNA, in fact
over 95%, is not active. Of the 6 billion bit genetic code only
about 23 megabytes is active.
And s l o w in
that it has taken some 15 million years since humanoids, and 3.4
billion since life in its simplest form, appeared on earth. This is
less than half the size of Microsoft Office 2000, which I am using
to write this sentence.
inspired evolution or ‘technolution’,
called technoevloutionary algorithms, on the other hand are able to
speed this evolutionary process up a billion fold.
Moreso when we hook up the species with intelligent machines,
in a neural net, we can collectively speed up even this process.
The third stage is when this process is scanned on to the
neural computer network itself.
Here computational speed is inherently millions to times
faster than mammalian neurons.
So ‘evolution’ leaves the natural world, passes through
human hands and onto the net by mid this century.
Then a million ‘earth hours’ (basically a century)
becomes one ‘neural net hour’.
Such a logic matrix
would be neg-entropic and derived from a rationality built on yin
energy. That is it
would generate a positive sum game i.e. it would generate more
energy that it used. This
neg-entropic energy would be introverisal and centripetal systems
e.g. cold fusion and external implosive vacuum motors cp. to the
current day entropic, extroversial and centrifugal yang energy eg.
the explosive internal ‘combustion’ engine.
A motor developed from this yin technology powers the Aesthentison
in Pope’s work above.
the Author
has an extensive track record in the area of Futures Studies, Life
Futures, and Organisational Development. He has lectured at lectured
at Universities in Strategic Planning and Futures Studies via. the
Web. He is node chair of the United Nations University's Millennium
Project (American council). Presently he is Fellow in Futures
Studies at the International Management Center (IMC - Pacific
Region). He has
published some 100 articles, contributed chapters, and two books and
CD-ROMs in these areas. He
is principal of Robot Rights Australia.
+61 7 32667570 PO
Box 74 Nundah 4014
Brisbane Q Australia
the Artist
Pope is arguably Australia’s foremost Science-Artist.
His work opens us to the future.
Allowing it and our forecestors to welcome these life forms
we birth. Thus the
future become something other than a reinscribing of the present.
He does this using what he calls ethical physics.
Robert lives in Northern New South Wales where he is building
an artists retreat. He
is foundation director of the Science-Art Research Institute
registered with the Commonwealth Government.
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a history of computing try:
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- 25
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RRA – Robot Rights
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advocating in public and private domains for robot rights much the
same as human, and animal rights have been advocated a generation
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