TEDxNoosa 2013 | Sohail Inayatullah | Causal layered analysis

Here’s a breakdown of the key ideas presented in this video, along with some additional insights on the CLA framework.

Core Concepts

  • CLA (Causal Layered Analysis): A methodology for creating deeper, longer-lasting change by examining four layers of reality:

    • Litany (Data): Empirical data and trends
    • System: Structures, processes, and design elements
    • Worldview: Underlying ideologies, beliefs, values, and assumptions
    • Myth/Metaphor: Deep stories, narratives, and their influence on our perception
  • The Future as a Tool: The future isn’t simply ‘out there’ to be predicted. Our concept of the future is an active resource to shape the present.

  • Importance of Narrative: The metaphors and stories we tell ourselves about ourselves, our organizations, and our world deeply influence how we perceive possibilities and what we believe we can achieve.

  • Multiple Levels of Change: Sustainable transformation requires working at multiple levels:

    • Short-term: Changes in data, trends, and empirical information.
    • Mid-term: Systemic design and structural changes.
    • Long-term: Shifts in underlying culture and worldview.
    • Deepest transformation: Challenging and reshaping core narratives.

Practical Takeaways

  • Measuring What Matters: If you desire a different future, change how you measure your progress and success. (Examples: GDP to Gross National Happiness)
  • The Power of Design: Environment and structures shape behaviors. Rethink design to enable the future you desire.
  • Examine Your Narratives: Uncover the deeper stories you hold about yourself, your organization, and society. Do these stories empower or limit your desired future?
  • From “Inspiration” to “Monday Morning”: What’s one actionable thing you can do differently based on what you’ve learned? How will you incorporate mechanisms to learn from your actions?

Case Studies

The presentation highlighted several applications of the CLA framework:

  • Transforming Education: Challenging the factory model of education, making room for digital pedagogies, and shifting the narrative from control to co-learning.
  • Reinventing Libraries: Transitioning from “keepers of the collection” to “innovators of the garden” (digital/creative spaces).
  • Organizational Evolution: Examples of organizations who shifted from seeing themselves as “castles” to being more open, transparent, or focused.
  • Civilizational Narratives: CLA can help uncover and reshape narratives that perpetuate limitations (e.g., gender roles).

CLA in Action

Here’s a simple way to think about applying the CLA framework:

  1. Vision: What future do you desire for yourself, your team, or your organization?
  2. Layers: Examine each level:
    • Litany: What data is relevant to this vision? What needs to change?
    • System: What structures or processes need redesign to support the vision?
    • Worldview: Are there underlying assumptions to challenge?
    • Myth/Metaphor: Is your core story empowering your vision or creating obstacles?

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